The Marine Society of the City of New York

About the Society
Captain's Quarters
Photo Gallery


The Marine Society of New York is a charitable and educational organization, the regular membership being composed entirely of seafarers, all of whom must be, or have been Captains or Officers of merchant vessels under the United States flag. It was formed in colonial days, and formally chartered by King George III in 1770 to "...improve maritime knowledge and relieve indigent and distressed shipmasters, their widows and orphans..." Among the early honorary members of the Society was President George Washington.

Upcoming Events:

255th Annual Dinner
Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2025
Time: 6:30 PM
Honoring SUNY Maritime College 150th Anniversary
  and Mr. C. James Patti, President, MIRAID
  New York Downtown Marriott
  85 West St
  New York, NY
Click Here for more info on tickets, sponsorships, and advertising options

To make reservations to stay at the Downtown Marriott CLICK HERE

254th Annual Dinner Photos
To view photos of the event: CLICK HERE

253rd Annual Dinner Photos
To view photos of the event: CLICK HERE

252nd Annual Dinner Photos
To view photos of the event: CLICK HERE

Society Support
If you would like to make a donation to the Marine Society, please use the Zelle QR Code or send a check payable to the Marine Society of the City of New York.
Zelle Link: CLICK HERE

Contact Information

(212) 425-0448
(212) 425-1117
Postal address
260 W Broadway, Suite #4, New York, NY 10013
Electronic mail
General Information:


[ Home ] About the Society ] Captain's Quarters ] Officers ] Merchandise ] Photo Gallery ] Links ]

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright: 2025 Marine Society of the City of New York
Last modified: 3/14/2025
Site Created by Daniel Robson